Coriander Seed 50ml
Quick Overview

Genito/Urinary: according to r. wilson it can encourage the production of estrogen, thus helping to regulate the menstrual cycle and alleviating the symptoms of pms.
Respiratory: helps to regulate breathing.
Circulatory: stimulates the heart, improves circulation, helps to eliminate toxins from the blood.
Muscles/Joints: relieves pain and muscle spasms, used for arthritis (also because of its detoxifying action), gout, muscular aches, rheumatism, stiffness in the joints.
Skin/Hair: as it stimulates circulation it is helpful in cellulite. effective in relieving facial neuralgia. helps to fight fungal infections.
Emotions/Mind: stimulates the nervous system, relieving lethargy and mental fatigue. refreshing and energizing, yet also relaxing and calming.
Other: said to stop the hiccups. natural deodorant. aphrodisiac.
Caution: stupefying in large doses.
Stimulating, Analgesic, Aphrodisiac, Anti-Septic, Carminative, Deodorant, Digestive, Fungicidal, Revitalising.
Coriander is an attractive plant of the Umbelliferae family, which grows either wild or cultivated in the Far East, Spain, North Africa and Russia. Some plants are found growing wild in parts of England, where they have self-seeded from cultivated plants. The leaves, when crushed, give off an extremely unpleasant odour which the ancient Greeks found reminiscent of a squashed bedbug, hence the plant’s name which is derived from ‘koris’, the Greek for bug! Fortunately, the seeds have an altogether different aroma, very pleasant, fresh and spicy, and the essential oil which is distilled from them is very true to the smell of a freshly crushed seed.
The oil may be pale yellow or colourless, and its main chemical constituents include between 60% and 65% of coriandrol, pinene, geraniol and traces of phellandrene, dipentene, terpinene, cymene and borneol.
Like all the members of this big plant family (Caraway, Dill, Fennel, etc.) Coriander stimulates and aids digestion, and prevents flatulence. For these reasons, as well as the agreeable flavour, the seeds were used a great deal by the Egyptians and seeds have been discovered in various tombs. Because of its stimulating action on the appetite, Coriander has been used in the treatment of anorexia nervosa.
The oil is analgesic, and good for neuralgia and rheumatic pains. It is gently warming which is comforting in these conditions. Commercially, Coriander is used in making liqueurs such as Chartreuse and Benedictine (having been originally incorporated in the formula for its digestive properties) and to flavour some brands of gin. It is used quite a lot in perfumery, soap and toiletries, and also as a raw material from which various of the chemical elements are extracted for use in manufacturing synthetic perfumes.
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